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Modesto Piano Teacher
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(209) 988 - 0434
Music is a wonderful, life long journey.

From the person who plays piano for enjoyment in their own home, to the performing artist, music can be a companion and activity that you bring with you through all the different phases of life.

So as a teacher, I design musical studies that are in keeping with each student’s individual hopes and goals.  Every student is unique, and I want to help each student find their long term passion for music.

I teach from a classical perspective.  I believe in an integrated curriculum that includes solid technique, musical understanding (formally known as music theory), aural development (ear training) and of course repertoire.

Exams are great for some students, but not for all.  I am glad to offer the Certificate Of Merit Exams, and Stanislaus Local Certification (Certificate of Merit is a registered trademark of the Music Teachers’ Association of California).

We have frequent opportunities for students to share their music through workshops and recitals.